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Notes for participating in events and photo sessions

Notes for participating in events and photo sessions
Notes for participating in events and photo sessions (for cosplay and Itasha)

To all participants of the event and photo session

  • We are not responsible for any loss or theft of valuables (wallets, cards, smartphones, etc.), so please take care of them yourself.

  • Please be careful when using props that may damage the facility or others.

  • It is prohibited to move any equipment or fixtures in the facility. Please be careful not to damage them. In the event of damage or defacement, you may be charged a repair fee or cleaning fee.

  • Please refrain from taking pictures outside the areas where photography is allowed.

  • The power outlets in the venue and facilities are not available for use. Please do not plug in or unplug any electrical outlets in the venue.

  • Even in venues where eating and drinking are allowed, please be careful not to soil the facilities.

  • Please smoke in smoking erea.

  • Please dispose of garbage, including plastic bottles and cans, in the cans providded or take them home.

For cosplayers

  • Participants in events and photo sessions run by the cocodoko planning are required to register with our organization.

  • Please refrain from coming to the event with your cosplay costume on.

  • Please change your clothes in the changing rooms. Changing clothes and makeup in the toilets is prohibited.

  • Basically, actions and performances are prohibited.

  • We will not be held responsible for any theft or damage to costumes, accessories, or luggage.


  • cocodoko企画が運営するイベント参加者は当団体への登録が必要となります。

  • ​当団体のイベント及び撮影会によってはカメラマン単独での参加をお断りしている場合がございます。必ずイベント及び撮影会の詳細ページをご確認ください。

For Itasha owners

  • All participants of events run by cocodoko planning are required to register with this organization.

  • The organization is not responsible for any incidents or accidents such as theft or contact in the parking lot. Please do not leave valuables in your vehicle and check your safety carefully.

  • We may ask you to move your vehicle in case of an emergency, so please keep the phone number we have on file for you so that we can contact you.

  • If an Itasha owner requests removal or correction of a photo uploaded by us, we will respond to the request immediately.


  • 当団体のイベント及び撮影会は全て原則雨天決行です。ただし台風などの荒天による警報、特別警報などが開催日当日に発令されると予想された場合はその限りではありません。必ずツイッターもしくはHP等の発表をご確認ください。

  • 最小執行人数が定められているイベントや撮影会の場合、予定期日までに人数が満たない場合は中止もしくは延期にさせていただく場合がございます。予定期日の確認は各イベント及び撮影会の詳細ページをご確認ください。

  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響でイベント及び撮影地の閉鎖や中止要請があった際は開催を中止とさせていただきます。その際の返金対応は以下に記載の通りとします。

  • 桜や紅葉など、自然の花や草木の開花、紅葉の保証は致しかねます。開花、紅葉状況での中止及びキャンセルによる返金はございません。


  • イベント及び撮影会が開催される際は、原則いかなる理由においてもキャンセル時のご返金はございませんのでご了承ください。

  • イベント及び撮影会が開催するにもかかわらず、開催時に緊急事態宣言が発令(まん延防止措置は含みません)された地域よりお越しの場合で参加を辞退されたい方は開催日前日までにご連絡ください。入金済みの方には次回以降で使用できる割引コードをお送りいたします。割引額は参加を辞退する各イベント及び撮影会の詳細ページをご確認ください。開催日前日までにご連絡がなかった場合は返金対応は致しません。ただし、この措置は参加者の方がお申し込みいただいた時点で緊急事態宣言が発令されていない場合に限ります。

  • 新型コロナウイルス感染症拡大の影響でイベント及び撮影地の閉鎖や中止要請があった際の開催中止による返金対応は、参加者の方にお送りする「返金申込フォーム」を期日までに申込いただいた方に対応いたします。返金額は参加費から返金手数料、振込手数料を引いた額になります。購入時に発生したシステム手数料は返金できませんのでご了承ください。また、返金手数料はイベント及び撮影会ごとに異なります(施設の使用料やキャンセル規定がそれぞれ異なるためです。)ので中止になったイベント及び撮影会の各詳細ページをご確認ください。

  • 開催当日の体温測定や体調不良で参加を辞退された場合、及びスタッフ判断で参加をご遠慮いただいた場合の返金対応はございません。

  • ​その他、各イベント及び撮影会の詳細ページの注意事項、イベント及び撮影会参加の諸注意イベント及び撮影会時の新型コロナウイルスの対応についてに記載がある注意事項を守っていただけず参加をご遠慮いただいた方にも返金対応はございません。

The following costumes are not allowed in our events.

  • Costumes that may interfere with the operation of the event.

Costumes for police officers, firefighters, self-defense officers, security guards, doctors, nurses, and other professionals with special responsibilities.

  • Costumes that expose too much skin.

Costumes in which the genitals or underwear are directly visible, regardless of gender.

Costumes that expose too much skin must be worn with tights or spats, etc. For events with swimming pool facilities, please follow the rules in the event details.

Please wear a jacket when moving in revealing clothing (e.g. swimwear or bikini).

  • Costumes that may cause discomfort to others are prohibited.

Using of stage blood.

Items that may be associated with antisocial thoughts in general.

Costumes that may cause discomfort to others.

  • The use of items that will catch on or stick to people or objects (ex. unseasoned paint) is prohibited.

Costumes and tools that restrict movement, such as large stuffed animals, should be worn and assembled during photo shooting.

Please be careful not to drag excessively long skirts, capes, etc. on the floor when moving them.

When moving long items of equipment, like a sword, please protect them with a cloth or box and carry them with care.

  • In addition, if the staff deems it dangerous, or if there are complaints, we may ask you to stop your cosplay. Please understand this in advance.

About photography (cosplay, Itasha)

How to take pictures (Itasha, cosplay)

  • Photo shooting is only allowed in photo areas. Please do not take photos in the changing rooms. If found, regardless of the reason, recording media will be confiscated, and in some cases, the police will be called.

  • Depending on the location, commercial use of photos taken (ROM shooting, photo book shooting) is not allowed. Please check the details of each event page. If you are found to be using the photos in a place where commercial use is prohibited, you will be subject to separate legal action and penalties.

  • When taking pictures, please obtain permission from the other party and do not be rude. If the other party refuses, their wishes will be respected. Please be considerate so that unrelated people are not photographed.

  • It is prohibited to post photos taken in the venue to publications, etc., or to buy or sell them.

  • Excessive staging or any other activities or photography that are offensive to public order and morals are prohibited.

  • Photo shooting for commercial purposes requires a separate, prior application to the organization for coverage. Please contact us through the inquiry form. In order to prevent violation of portrait rights, please make sure to obtain permission to take pictures with cosplayers. Also, if you wish to post your work on social networking sites, please do not assume that it will be uploaded, but rather ask for permission before doing so.

Prohibited equipment and items (for cosplay)

  • Equipment with too strong a strobe effect.

  • Special equipment that is obviously not necessary (such as infrared cameras).

  • Photographic equipment that has been modified. Video recording (camera video functions, video cameras, etc.) * However, event participants are allowed to take video within the selfie range using a smart phone with the permission of the other party.

  • Any other cases where the staff judges that it will be a nuisance to the people around.

About email domains

 If you have a spam filter that restricts the receipt of e-mails, please change your settings before making a reservation so that you can receive reservation confirmation and notification e-mails from us.

Please make sure you can receive emails from the following domains [] , [].  

Even if you do not receive an auto-reply email for your reservation, your reservation may have been completed.

Domains that are difficult to receive auto-reply emails for reservations, etc.

yahoo,, softbank, ezweb, gmail, docomo

If you are using one of these domains and do not receive any information about reservations, please contact us immediately via our e-mail address or DM on our Twitter account (@JPS_events_info).

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